An Update from Russell Triolo, CEO
August 2021
The experience of growing up in the United States has changed drastically over the past decades. Institutions that were once the pillars for America’s youth – families, schools, and community organizations – are now all struggling to meet the developmental needs of our young people.
Boys & Girls Clubs of Union County realizes that it is imperative to increase resiliency skills of young people by giving them opportunities to develop refusal skills, anger management skills, and increase alcohol, tobacco and other drug knowledge and to recognize their achievements in developing healthy beliefs and clear standards.
The Keystone Clubs is a unique model in that serves as a focal point for teens’ social/support/educational/recreational/enrichment services in Union County and at the same time, complement and expand the ability of Boys & Girls Clubs of Union County to meet the needs of its teens.
Keystone Clubs consist of an adult advisor and approximately 8-15 young men and women who elect their own officers, and plan and implement their own activities in six core areas: character and leadership, service to Club and community, education and career exploration, free enterprise and unity.
All Keystone Club activities, whether a drug prevention help line or a holiday food basket program, stress service and leadership.
It is a unique character development experience that gives young people the opportunity to contribute something of value to others and to have a voice in how that contribution is made.
Service and leadership are the highest responsibilities of citizenship. They are hallmarks of the Keystone experience. Young people get the chance to their humanitarian ideals through the Keystone experience by building self-respect and strong attachments to family and community.
Our combined Keystone Clubs in Union, Elizabeth and Plainfield graduated over 40 high school seniors on time with the plan for the future.
We now look forward to their participation as value Alumni members.