An Update from Russell Triolo, CEO


Giving the gift of membership to a child for one of our Clubs will provide peace of mind and security in a
very uncertain world. Your gift of membership to one child offers so much to a struggling single parent, or
a grandparent raising children. It offers a safe place with adult supervision to a child who would otherwise
go home alone after school. Members receive homework help, leadership programs, high speed internet access, arts & crafts, teen
programs, game room activities, digital learning, outings, and sports leagues. It’s the difference between
worrying what children are doing after school and knowing that they are engaged in positive, adult
supervised, life affirming programs. Providing a place where all children can go during the high risk after-school hours is especially important
for our older children, who are less likely to be in childcare. Unless they play a sport, these youth have
fewer, if any, options and none that are as positive as our Boys & Girls Clubs. That is why we are
reaching out and asking our friends and neighbors to help in maintaining this positive place where our
kids can grow and flourish. Without your financial support there would be no Boys & Girls Clubs of Union
County. Today, on behalf of our youth, I am reaching out to ask for your support. Please consider an investment in
the future of our next generation of leaders by supporting our 2021 Annual Fund Drive today!
It is easier than ever to donate. You can invest $25, $50, $100, or any amount to fit any budget. Just go
to to make your donation.
Thank you in advance for your support!

Russell Triolo
Chief Executive Officer

An Update from Russell Triolo, CEO

A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO - Woman's International History Month!

An Update from Russell Triolo, CEO

A MESSAGE FROM OUR CEO - Celebrating Black History Month